Wednesday, March 25, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 9

So much craziness happened yesterday – I am so excited and feel so blessed in every way! My favorite part of doing what I do is hearing the stories of your success! The health changes that are occurring in your body. Sleeping better through the night, getting restful sleep – having dreams, not needing a daily nap, not craving sugar (especially in girl scout season), being taken off medications, being happy and of course the weight loss is outstanding. There have been so many of my favorite comments, but two that stand out this morning are: “I am not going to be able to afford this anymore because I have to buy a whole new wardrobe” and “When I look down and my boobs are bigger than my stomach – I am a happy woman!” I am so happy for the many challengers in this group who are continuing this lifestyle. You have only just begun! (every time I say that – I start singing! Admit it – you had to go back and read that and sang it!)
We still have a couple late start challengers – keep focused and finish.
I do have to say that you will have success in this program – and help others be successful – by understanding a few things:
1) You are following the documents and being fully invested in yourself. YEARS of failures/successes/research led to Tina’s development of the 18 Day Challenge. I have adapted her challenge to just 9 days so you could get a taste. There really is a science to combinations of food and blood sugar regulation.
2) In this program, we eat when we are hungry, and we do not skip a meal/snack when we are not. Your clock should be set (if you cannot remember) to have a snack or meal every 3-4 hours. Not hungry? Do not skip your eating time. That leads to low blood sugar later, uncontrollable thoughts about what you will eat, and a flat out "I don't care, I am going to eat all of this" attitude.
3) When you join Tina’s 18 day challenge group. You are coached daily. There is a forum there to ask questions – get individualized help – help others – a huge support group. Believe in YOU, me, Tina and this program. Stick with it and be consistent in what you started. Do not compare yourself to others or other programs.
4) And last. Out of all of the documents you were given, the word "calorie" may be mentioned one time. We do NOT count calories. We eat the proper portion size of a meal or snack every three to four hours. PERIOD. Please stop the low calorie mentality, for if you follow the portion sizes on the documents, have your two shakes, you are right about perfect for what THEY say a healthy calorie intake would be for you. I say if you are hungry, then we need to talk about increasing your food. Listen to your body, not some chart for the general public. We are all different.

Today will be a super great day to finish your challenge – but rolling over into your lifestyle. If you are done here with 9 days – hop on the scale in the morning and see where your weight stabilized. That weight is gone – continue this lifestyle and more will be gone and you will be able to maintain your goal weight – once achieved - EASY!

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