Tuesday, March 24, 2015

LUCKY Challenge Day 8

Good morning!!! Only 1 day left in this LUCKY 9 day challenge. I have been asked 2 questions from many of you in this group. First – Will I gain my weight back when I am done with this challenge? And Second – What do you do now that you are at your goal weight? Do you still do two shakes a day?
I have a friend that did an 18 day challenge. Had huge success – and then went back to her normal way of eating and gained all her weight back. She was so disappointed. She thought she had lost this weight for good, but she went right back to simple carbohydrates, processed foods, etc. At first her body was affected by these foods (headache, tired, yawning, foggy brain, sick feeling), but after a couple days the toxic food she was filling her body with didn’t faze her anymore. Let me tell you - this IS my normal eating – 90% of the time – and the other 10% I have what I desire. Now that isn’t to say that when I am on vacation or something that I am a perfect eater. I am not, but I do not like how I feel at all and I can’t wait til I can get back to my lifestyle. Tina has taught me and I am teaching you to have two meal replacement shakes and to have one healthy meal, and 2-4 healthy snacks for life! This is how diabetics should live, how athletes, men, women, adolescents, teenagers, cardiac patients, cancer patients, YOU NAME IT, should live. It is the balancing of blood sugars - never spiking - coupled with the quality protein and detox that makes the whole system work forever! If you follow this, you will always stay your goal weight-for LIFE! You have to understand, this is a LIFE change. Your "oil needs changed" AKA “cleansing” regularly (at least quarterly after you are at your goal weight), and this is how we need to live. Non-inflammatory, detoxified, alkaline, with blood sugars in balance.

My hopes for you is that you will embrace this lifestyle to some extent and continue to lose at a very nice rate for your body. If you do not need to lose, you will accomplish a transformation from fat to muscle should you add regular weight bearing exercise and continue this lifestyle. I am excited for all who have made the decision to continue this journey! 

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