Saturday, March 21, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 5

First – we have a couple challengers cleansing today. Second – we have some challengers reporting today and I can’t wait! We have so many success stories. Why do you think you have had more success with this nutrition plan than with anything else you have tried? Well #1 is the cleansing/detox that you just went through and #2 is the excellent nutrition in the shakes that you are feeding your body. BUT MOST IMPORTANT is the support you are getting. The friend that introduced you to this way of life has been a huge support. The daily posts on this FB page have given you some tips, guidance and cheers. That support continues through your journey. This FB page will disappear after your 9 days is over but you can roll on over into Tina’s 18 day challenge FB page. There you will get even more support from her and over 300 experienced challengers that have made this a way of life. You need to think ahead right now – what do you want after your 9 days is complete. It takes about 4 days to get your product delivered to your doorstep. Your friend or I can help you to get ordered so that you can continue to achieve your goals. Read your WHY again today. Will that be achieved in 9 days?

On another note - It is a weekend! Maybe presenting a whole new level of temptation because it means that there are outings, days off, etc. What you need to embrace now is that this is a lifestyle, not a Monday through Friday "diet". Today, Saturday, should be like any other. You pack your knife/fork meal or plan where you can get food off of the lists if eating out. You pack your snacks, take a shaker bottle and your Isalean Pro shake if you will not be home! It is really true. Preparation is key, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Realize that when you walk out that door for the day that if your hands are empty you are throwing yourself to whatever comes at you. That is a conscious choice on your part. Furthermore, for me, if I were to make a poor choice, this is the #1 scenario where I would do so. Happy Saturday!

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