Monday, March 30, 2015

Another happy challenger

Day 5. Down 8.6 lbs! Happy Monday. You really need to try this nutrition. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Set you up for success

When you come to me to do Tina's 18 day challenge - I am prepared to set you up for success. This new challenger WON a box of isalean bars and a sample shaker cup! Lucky challenger!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 10

Our LUCKY 9 day challenge has come to an end. I am so happy for all challengers deciding to continue this lifestyle. There is still so much work to do to get your body healthy. You have barely made a dent in the health you can achieve. Now that you are continuing with Tina’s 18 day challenge you will be doing another 2 day cleanse. Why another cleanse? This is where you "seal the deal" if you will. The second cleanse is an exclamation point telling your body, "yes, I do mean business" and I am changing! So, the same benefits but now you are reaching in more deeply day one to take out the toxins that you have put in over time. Day 2 the body resorts to fat for energy. So, if you have successfully finished the first cleanse and have done a clean shake week in between, you are digging down deep now. Congratulations! This second cleanse may be easier for you! This may be the one that you actually have the energy to get a lot of things done!!
I am also so happy that some of our OBSERVERS in this group – liked what they read and decided they wanted to get healthy too. Remember this is not a diet. This is a lifestyle. You need to eat! You need to REPLENISH your body.

I am going to leave this group open for a couple more days and then it will disappear. It has been so enjoyable to read your posts and hear your results. You have had a wonderful opportunity to “try before you buy”. Thank you for putting the system to the test! You will not regret your decision to continue because it only gets better from here!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 9

So much craziness happened yesterday – I am so excited and feel so blessed in every way! My favorite part of doing what I do is hearing the stories of your success! The health changes that are occurring in your body. Sleeping better through the night, getting restful sleep – having dreams, not needing a daily nap, not craving sugar (especially in girl scout season), being taken off medications, being happy and of course the weight loss is outstanding. There have been so many of my favorite comments, but two that stand out this morning are: “I am not going to be able to afford this anymore because I have to buy a whole new wardrobe” and “When I look down and my boobs are bigger than my stomach – I am a happy woman!” I am so happy for the many challengers in this group who are continuing this lifestyle. You have only just begun! (every time I say that – I start singing! Admit it – you had to go back and read that and sang it!)
We still have a couple late start challengers – keep focused and finish.
I do have to say that you will have success in this program – and help others be successful – by understanding a few things:
1) You are following the documents and being fully invested in yourself. YEARS of failures/successes/research led to Tina’s development of the 18 Day Challenge. I have adapted her challenge to just 9 days so you could get a taste. There really is a science to combinations of food and blood sugar regulation.
2) In this program, we eat when we are hungry, and we do not skip a meal/snack when we are not. Your clock should be set (if you cannot remember) to have a snack or meal every 3-4 hours. Not hungry? Do not skip your eating time. That leads to low blood sugar later, uncontrollable thoughts about what you will eat, and a flat out "I don't care, I am going to eat all of this" attitude.
3) When you join Tina’s 18 day challenge group. You are coached daily. There is a forum there to ask questions – get individualized help – help others – a huge support group. Believe in YOU, me, Tina and this program. Stick with it and be consistent in what you started. Do not compare yourself to others or other programs.
4) And last. Out of all of the documents you were given, the word "calorie" may be mentioned one time. We do NOT count calories. We eat the proper portion size of a meal or snack every three to four hours. PERIOD. Please stop the low calorie mentality, for if you follow the portion sizes on the documents, have your two shakes, you are right about perfect for what THEY say a healthy calorie intake would be for you. I say if you are hungry, then we need to talk about increasing your food. Listen to your body, not some chart for the general public. We are all different.

Today will be a super great day to finish your challenge – but rolling over into your lifestyle. If you are done here with 9 days – hop on the scale in the morning and see where your weight stabilized. That weight is gone – continue this lifestyle and more will be gone and you will be able to maintain your goal weight – once achieved - EASY!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

LUCKY Challenge Day 8

Good morning!!! Only 1 day left in this LUCKY 9 day challenge. I have been asked 2 questions from many of you in this group. First – Will I gain my weight back when I am done with this challenge? And Second – What do you do now that you are at your goal weight? Do you still do two shakes a day?
I have a friend that did an 18 day challenge. Had huge success – and then went back to her normal way of eating and gained all her weight back. She was so disappointed. She thought she had lost this weight for good, but she went right back to simple carbohydrates, processed foods, etc. At first her body was affected by these foods (headache, tired, yawning, foggy brain, sick feeling), but after a couple days the toxic food she was filling her body with didn’t faze her anymore. Let me tell you - this IS my normal eating – 90% of the time – and the other 10% I have what I desire. Now that isn’t to say that when I am on vacation or something that I am a perfect eater. I am not, but I do not like how I feel at all and I can’t wait til I can get back to my lifestyle. Tina has taught me and I am teaching you to have two meal replacement shakes and to have one healthy meal, and 2-4 healthy snacks for life! This is how diabetics should live, how athletes, men, women, adolescents, teenagers, cardiac patients, cancer patients, YOU NAME IT, should live. It is the balancing of blood sugars - never spiking - coupled with the quality protein and detox that makes the whole system work forever! If you follow this, you will always stay your goal weight-for LIFE! You have to understand, this is a LIFE change. Your "oil needs changed" AKA “cleansing” regularly (at least quarterly after you are at your goal weight), and this is how we need to live. Non-inflammatory, detoxified, alkaline, with blood sugars in balance.

My hopes for you is that you will embrace this lifestyle to some extent and continue to lose at a very nice rate for your body. If you do not need to lose, you will accomplish a transformation from fat to muscle should you add regular weight bearing exercise and continue this lifestyle. I am excited for all who have made the decision to continue this journey! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 7

I feel like I only have a couple days to coach you and tell you everything you need to know about this lifestyle change you are “testing.” Many more of you have chosen to continue your journey to reach your goals – and your order is on its way. I am so happy for you – it only gets better and better from here!!!
Now, what can you expect to happen with your weight loss? Well, for one, you are supposed to stay off of the scale until day 9 or if you are continuing with Tina’s 18 day challenge – day 19, but if you should accidentally "peek" you could see a 1.5 pound gain. Is that fat or true, permanent weight gain? No. Our body naturally fluctuates day to day with the amount of sodium and fluid that we hold/release. That is what you will see when you begin to replenish with shake days. Now, if you continue to eat as you have been instructed, you will keep on chipping away at the number that was your low. I promise! I have seen it over and over and over

The transformations that people have sent me are so amazing! Some people are not quite ready to put them out there for all to see, but all I can say is that Isagenix is so amazing! Once again, you do the work, use the products as intended, your life will change. Your skin will change, your body will change, your "health numbers" will change, your energy will change, and your mental state of clarity and happiness will change. Do you notice that Isagenix people are happy people? It's true. There is such a freedom in the fact that you do not have to count calories, to just eat as your body NEEDS 90% of the time, and to have what you DESIRE 10% of the time. Do you know what that means? Think about this. If you ate 3 meals per day for 365 days, that means that 109 meals per year can be exactly what you DESIRE. MEALS not DAYS though. Not FULL days of eating 3 meals that you DESIRE. For goodness sakes, be nice to yourself and do not make your body try to dig deep for an entire 24 hours of junk. Have your two shakes! Get the amino acids, the vitamins and minerals, the undenatured whey! Then have your one DESIRE. Then, you have 108 more to go. Can you think this way? Try. You are no longer on a diet. You get to have 109 meals that you DESIRE during a 365 day period. The rest of the time you are on point. (oh and cleanse at least quarterly).......Do it!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 6

Many of you have ordered more product because you have decided to make this your lifestyle – at least for a little longer – but you will continue longer than you think – I have no doubt. You will not like how you feel when you go back to your old ways. I already had one challenger have a little cheat/temptation and felt sick/gross/tired and couldn’t believe how the body is affected so early in the journey. The rest of you are going to need to decide if you will continue this lifestyle, at least the 2 shakes per day, and it is important you understand one of the reasons why you are feeling so good.... the shakes.

I am going to talk today about our Isalean and Isalean PRO. Because sometimes at this point some of you might be considering temptation. The temptation to buy a big huge, say, Costco tub of protein, because it is "cheaper". What you need to know, is that I will never, ever do that again in my life, just as much for the reason as what we DO HAVE that they DON’T HAVE as what they HAVE that we DON’T. Does that make sense? Let me explain. Pages can be written on this, but this is just a snapshot.
What they do that we don’t: artificial colors or flavors, or both (clearly stated on the front of most of the canisters in small writing), soy, gluten, sucralose/SLENDA/bleached sugar, GMOs, denatured whey, hormones and antibiotics, and some studies even showing toxic metals. They are also not “cold pressed” meaning that acids and heat are used to break down the proteins.
What we HAVE that they do not: 36 grams of UNDENATURED whey per serving, grass fed cattle (no hormones or antibiotics), probiotics and active enzymes (which Tina’s wellness physician LOVES because they are basically digested for you so that your gastrointestinal system does not have to work so hard), fruit sugars in the right amounts, good fats (flax seed, among others), loaded with pure amino acids, vitamins and minerals. We are cold pressed, no MSG, no gluten, no soy, no sucralose/SPLENDA/bleached sugar.
So much more to say about that, but please protect your organs from filtering toxins after you have done this 9 Day Challenge. Imagine if you have one to two daily shakes of the first ones mentioned above. That is DAILY exposure to toxins by CHOICE. You are worth the few extra dollars. You only have one body. And the Isalean and Isalean PRO IS part of the reason that you are now feeling so good! Have a great week!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

LUCKY challenge Day 5

First – we have a couple challengers cleansing today. Second – we have some challengers reporting today and I can’t wait! We have so many success stories. Why do you think you have had more success with this nutrition plan than with anything else you have tried? Well #1 is the cleansing/detox that you just went through and #2 is the excellent nutrition in the shakes that you are feeding your body. BUT MOST IMPORTANT is the support you are getting. The friend that introduced you to this way of life has been a huge support. The daily posts on this FB page have given you some tips, guidance and cheers. That support continues through your journey. This FB page will disappear after your 9 days is over but you can roll on over into Tina’s 18 day challenge FB page. There you will get even more support from her and over 300 experienced challengers that have made this a way of life. You need to think ahead right now – what do you want after your 9 days is complete. It takes about 4 days to get your product delivered to your doorstep. Your friend or I can help you to get ordered so that you can continue to achieve your goals. Read your WHY again today. Will that be achieved in 9 days?

On another note - It is a weekend! Maybe presenting a whole new level of temptation because it means that there are outings, days off, etc. What you need to embrace now is that this is a lifestyle, not a Monday through Friday "diet". Today, Saturday, should be like any other. You pack your knife/fork meal or plan where you can get food off of the lists if eating out. You pack your snacks, take a shaker bottle and your Isalean Pro shake if you will not be home! It is really true. Preparation is key, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Realize that when you walk out that door for the day that if your hands are empty you are throwing yourself to whatever comes at you. That is a conscious choice on your part. Furthermore, for me, if I were to make a poor choice, this is the #1 scenario where I would do so. Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 20, 2015

LUCKY Challenge Day 4

I should be hearing from some challengers that are waking up this morning and hopping on the scale – and taking some measurements. The scale isn’t the only measuring tool – measurements are huge – and so is how your clothes are fitting. Do not compare yourself to anyone else – I think that should be rule #1. You need to message me your loss. I want to keep track for this LUCKY group. If you are already enrolled and in Tina’s 18 day challenge group – you need to report losses to her as well. She has a 2015 Act of Kindness where the weight lost in her group is converted to $$$$ and given to a needy family at Christmas. ALSO THE FIRST THING YOU HAVE AFTER YOUR CLEANSE IS A DELICIOUS SHAKE!

The rest of you are on Day 2 of your cleanse. Remember everyone is different and everyone’s body will release in a different way. The cleanse is helping with that in a much deeper way than your brain is thinking. It is not just the initial 48 hour cleanse loss, it carries on.... remember, your body is learning to function as it should, and it can only do so with the toxins removed! You know what else I forgot to tell you about the cleanse? Tina says this all the time and it is what keeps me going – Day 2 is fat day! Day 1 is 80% toxin and 20% fat loss and Day 2 is 20% toxin and 80% fat loss. I call it FAT DAY and it makes me so happy! Also remember increase in Human growth hormone on day 2. HGH is what we lose as we age. We need it for muscle development, energy, and so many other things. People pay big bucks to have injections of this precious hormone. Think deep guys, this is what you are doing with the cleanse. It is so much more than weight loss! It is Christmas Eve again tonight! I better hear from you in the morning!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lucky Challenge - Day 3

Everyone is cleansing today! Let me tell you that you will not starve – you will have waves of hunger but it is around the time for you to eat your next cleanse item. Yesterday, I prepped you a little bit with what to expect today, but remember there is a much bigger side to why you cleanse. I would like to repeat/copy/plagiarize what Tina had posted. “Isa is the number one nutritional cleansing company in the world. They have done extensive research on what is going on inside your body with the use of the ingredients that are designed for cleanse days. Inside you are headed for an alkaline environment, and a non-inflammatory environment. What does this mean for you? Well, I can tell you that auto immune disease and cancer are just two things that love acidity and inflammation. Some exterior effects for you are going to be weight loss, radiant skin, bright eyes, increased energy, and because day two increases HGH (human growth hormone), lean muscle tissue gain with weight bearing exercise.”
If you are afraid in any way, that is great – but don’t be. Facing something that you fear is getting out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is where you see most of America living. Yes, live in the present, but strive every day to get better, younger, stronger, and healthier. Cleansing is the first step in that direction. Stay busy – stay positive – enjoy your day! Ok so that was all from Tina too. Let me just tell you – this is the great coaching you get when you move over to the 18 day challenge group. I am almost one year of reading her daily posts – and I still learn something every day.

I better hear from you Day 2 cleansers tomorrow morning! Don’t leave me hanging! I am up early so don’t worry if your message/text is going to wake me. It is going to be like Christmas Eve tonight!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lucky Challenge Day 2

Many of you have completed Shake Day 2 – way to go and today you are cleansing. Stick to the cleanse day schedule exactly. What can you expect today? I will tell you what most people have shared over the past year in Tina’s 18 day challenge group. A headache is most common. If this happens to you and you have not already done so, use an e+shot. If you are quite toxic, then you may feel flu-like. Normal. Drink a lot of water and keep going. It is true, the ones with the most symptoms see the most scale benefits.
For the group – we are on Day 2. Many people can feel a change in their body after 36 hours. This would be all of you right now. So much is happening in your body through this process. Day 2 before your cleanse is very important. Already the excitement can be wearing off for you because you might be getting a slight headache or a little grumpiness because you cannot "numb" with what you might be used to numbing with. Embrace this change because you have opened the door to the new you. In a few days you will have walked completely through and will arrive on the other side (like Tina commented yesterday)! Keep moving forward!
Another important thing to remember – do not compare yourself, your loss, how you feel with anyone else. We are all different – our body will respond different – depending on the damage we have done in the past. There is a lot to be said about different diets we have done, or our eating habits or the foods we have put in our body. Right now your body may be confused by all this wonderful nutrition you are giving it – your body may not trust that you will keep giving it this wonderful nutrition. Just stick with the program. No loosey goosey – and your body will respond.

Like I said a few days ago – the best way to tell there are changes going on is by how your clothes are fitting and how you are feeling - not by what the scale says. You shouldn’t even be getting on the scale until Day 5 anyway. I want to share a message I got yesterday – you may have seen Tina post on her page. This challenger is on day 5 of her second 18 day challenge. She said, “So do your remember that day you woke up and put on a shirt you haven’t worn in forever because you don’t like how it fits anymore and then you look in the mirror and go “HOLY CRAP, I’ve lost almost 20 lbs and I can actually see it now. Ya that is me today!!!” There will be more stories like this from you LUCKY challengers! You may not be ready to share publically – but please private message me – It makes my whole day! Really it does! I will ask permission before I share anything and I always share without a name attached to it. Half of you “have a wonderful day 2” and the other half “have a fabulous cleanse day!”

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

LUCKY start day!

It is time! No looking back! Nothing to dread and so much to look forward to! Now you are doing this for you, your family, and anyone else you want to be around to enjoy in your life. Make a commitment to yourself! You have recorded your weight and measurements - and you have written your WHY on paper!
Today will be fantastic! Day one you have 2 shakes, one knife/fork meal, and enough snacks off of the list to ensure that you never go over 3-4 hours without eating. You have been given some tips on how to make your shakes but it may take you making 3-4 shakes before you make it just how you like it. Also remember your taste buds are sugar toxic - so your shake may not taste sweet to you. That will be fixed in the next couple days smile emoticon If you are fairly toxic, symptoms will set in by tomorrow – or maybe today. A slight headache is most common. This is a good sign actually. I get a little excited when someone tells they have a headache. That sounds terrible, but you will see how much better you will feel as those toxins work their way out. By day 5, you seriously are becoming a new person! People that have been doing this for any amount of time will tell you the same! Can't wait to hear from you on your day 5!
Now since about half of this group started yesterday - I love that you were excited to get going! Your cleanse days start tomorrow. Be prepared. For myself - I make my kid's lunches in advance, the family has leftovers for dinner, and I have plenty of things to do so that I stay busy while cleansing. Remember - it is not a toilet cleanse. Stay committed and focused - and you will be AMAZED

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day before starting the LUCKY 9 day challenge

We are the day before starting the LUCKY 9 day challenge. We have many observers in this group. Please make comments and share your feelings. Support all these new challengers and let our observers know what they are missing in their lives.
Do you have your cupboards and refrigerator ready for easy grab and go snacks/meals? The great thing about your daily menu is 2 of your meals are shakes. Easy! You can make them just with the shake mix or you can “dress up” your shakes with the “acceptable additions” list.
What I want every challenger to do today is WRITE down WHY you want to change. What brought you to want to try this awesome nutrition program? Don’t just say “because I want to lose weight.” Write down the DETAILS. Are you tired of not having energy? Do you just not feel good in general? How do you feel? What do you want to feel like? Did your physician tell you that you are headed for diabetes or heart disease or high blood pressure? Do you feel in a fog? Do you have restless sleep? Do you have pain in your joints and bones? WHAT IS IT? Get it on paper. Why did you finally decide to join us? You will need to refer to this when you “forget” your reasons, YOUR WHY! YOU are in control of changing what you see on that paper. And you will change it! We all believe in you! And we are here to support you! Tomorrow is the first day of a whole new you

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Science Behind The ‘Bedtime Belly Buster'

This is a very interesting article about eating before bed to keep your body burning fat through the night! Click here for article Works perfect with Tina's 18 day challenge!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Diabetes and Isagenix

I have a friend that has Type I Diabetes and wanted to do the 18 day challenge. Found some interesting information for her and thought I would share.

Frequently Asked Questions and Isagenix PODCAST

What people with Diabetes need to know before using Isagenix ARTICLE