Sunday, June 7, 2015

Night before 9 day challenge start!

Maybe you are all in bed or heading there - maybe you will read this in the morning before Monday's post - but I wanted to be sure to tell you to weigh and measure and write it down. You do not have to share these numbers with anyone. I would just like to know your loss. You can measure any areas you are wanting to see shrink. Neck, chest, each bicep, waist, hips, each quad, each calf.
I also want you to WRITE down WHY you want to change. What brought you to want to try this awesome nutrition program? Don’t just say “because I want to lose weight.” Write down the DETAILS. Are you tired of not having energy? Do you just not feel good in general? How do you feel? What do you want to feel like? Did your physician tell you that you are headed for diabetes or heart disease or high blood pressure? Do you feel in a fog? Do you have restless sleep? Do you have pain in your joints and bones? WHAT IS IT? Get it on paper. Why did you finally decide to join us? You will need to refer to this when you “forget” your reasons, YOUR WHY! YOU are in control of changing what you see on that paper. And you will change it! We all believe in you! And we are here to support you! Tomorrow is the first day of a whole new you!

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