Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 1 SUMMER 9 day challenge

Make sure to read my post from last night about your weight/measurements and your WHY!
It is time! No looking back! Nothing to dread and so much to look forward to! Now you are doing this for you, your family, and anyone else you want to be around to enjoy in your life. Make a commitment to yourself!
Today will be fantastic! Day one you have 2 shakes, one knife/fork meal, and enough snacks off of the list to ensure that you never go over 3-4 hours without eating! If you are hungry - you need to eat. It may take a couple days for you to really read your body as to whether you are truly hungry or if you are bored and need to snack. I might suggest when you think you are hungry - have a glass of water first and see how you feel. If you are fairly toxic, symptoms will set in by tomorrow – or maybe today. A slight headache is most common. I love when I get messages that someone doesn't feel good or they have a headache - because I know they are going to feel amazing. By day 5, you seriously are becoming a new person! People that have been doing this for any amount of time will tell you the same!
STAY OFF THE SCALE. Follow the schedule and choose from the lists. You will weigh in on day 5. Cannot wait to hear from you on your day 5!
I also want to throw out there - to do this challenge - whoever brought you here bought your product and you paid them. Right now - for this week - until Sunday - there is FREE MEMBERSHIP. Get yourself through a couple days and see if this is something you want to continue. Maybe 3 times a year FREE MEMBERSHIP is offered so I am excited it is happening now for all of you. With your membership - you are able to buy your own product at wholesale prices. We can talk more later - I just wanted to give you a heads up so you knew. Have a fabulous day - message or post if you have any questions.

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