Tuesday, June 9, 2015

DAY 2 Summer 9 day challenge

Hope you all had a great Day 1! You will need to make 4-5 shakes before you get it exactly how you like it - remember that. We have some challengers already reporting because they started early. This is what I am hearing - "I sleep so good" "I love my shakes" "This is easy" "I am surprised I can already tell a difference" - And then the losses - down 2, 4, 5, 5.5, and 8. Do not compare yourself to others - every BODY is different depending on what damage we have done in the past with diets, medications, etc.
OK - day 2. Read your WHY. Take note of how you feel. You will feel changes within 36 hours. That is what is so amazing about the awesome nutrition in the shakes and ionic supreme. Day 2 before your cleanse is very important. Already the excitement can be wearing off for you because you might be getting a slight headache or a little grumpiness because you cannot "numb" with what you might be used to numbing with. Don't forget you have your eshots - even a sip is amazing to help with these toxic symptoms. Embrace this change because you have opened the door to the new you. In a few days you will have walked completely through and will arrive on the other side! Keep moving forward! Stick with the program. No loosey goosey – and your body will respond.
Tomorrow and Thursday are cleanse days. GET PREPARED today. Fail to prepare - prepare to fail. Go to the store for any family needs for the next 2 days. What is the family having for dinner? I would suggest no crock pot meals - the last thing you want to smell when you are cleansing is a wonderful meal in the crockpot. I suggest leftovers, microwave something or take out. When the family is eating - go for a walk and tell them to have it all cleaned up when you get back smile emoticon STAY BUSY - I am the most productive on cleanse days.

Have a wonderful Day 2!

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