Friday, June 12, 2015

How much protein should we eat?

This is some information that Tina gave us today in her closed FB group just for 18 day challengers. An amazing benefit to being part of this group - free coaching. 

 "A very common question that I get is, "am I possibly getting too much protein?". My answer has always been this. I feel my best, strongest, and look my most lean when I eat as close to my body weight in grams of protein per day. Many people that I consider educated and reputable also write articles about the same. Now, think about that. Before your Isalean PRO (36 grams), I HIGHLY doubt that you were getting any where near what you need per day. This is a reason that you are seeing the results that you are as well. Don't discount that and think that it is only the cleanse part. YES, that is a HUGE part of this, but this is a SYSTEM. This is also why I recommend the Isalean PRO for the challenge as opposed to the Isalean. YOU NEED THE PROTEIN. Read here to understand the reasons why. However, what we DO NOT do with this lifestyle that high protein diets do is restrict your nutritious complex carbohydrates (brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc). You also need these for sustained energy and brain power. This is the perfect lifestyle in my opinion. As you know. We are balanced. But remember, this is a SYSTEM. You should incorporate all.....

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