Friday, June 26, 2015

Sriracha Chicken Tacos

2 lbs. chicken breasts - cubed
olive oil
butter lettuce for wraps (I used green leafy lettuce because I already had it)
black beans
grape tomatoes
green onions

Marinade Ingredients:
Juice of 2 limes - about 2 T.
2-4 T. Sriracha Sauce (more or less to taste - since I have non spice lovers - I used 2 T. and it was just right for them.)
1 T. raw honey (optional - I did not use)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 T. water
1/2 T olive oil

Combine marinade ingredients. Place in glass bowl or gallon ziploc bag. Marinade chicken 4 hours or over night. Saute chicken in olive oil until done - could also have chicken in larger pieces and grill. Assemble taco with desired ingredients. Enjoy! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

New Challengers

I am giving a sample shaker cup and extra sample to the next two people that want to take on Tina's 18 day challenge. Email FB message me Carey Biggs Underwood or text me 801-631-3278 for more information. 

Fruit Infused Water

For each half gallon of water
1 c. Strawberries
1 c. Cucumbers
2 lines
1/4 c. Fresh mint leaves

Layer in pitcher or drink dispenser. Let sit for at least 10 minutes. Mine sat for a couple hours. Flavor was very subtle at first and not overly strong a couple hours later. Just keep adding water when level gets low - and more fruits if flavor too mild. 

Using this water in my vanilla protein shake was AMAZING! Fits perfect with my shake day for Tina's 18 day challenge. Who would have thought????

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


40 lbs 52.5 inches gone in 3 months! Lindsay has done amazing with Tina's 18 day challenge. Message/ email me for info if you would like to change your life!

Friday, June 12, 2015

How much protein should we eat?

This is some information that Tina gave us today in her closed FB group just for 18 day challengers. An amazing benefit to being part of this group - free coaching. 

 "A very common question that I get is, "am I possibly getting too much protein?". My answer has always been this. I feel my best, strongest, and look my most lean when I eat as close to my body weight in grams of protein per day. Many people that I consider educated and reputable also write articles about the same. Now, think about that. Before your Isalean PRO (36 grams), I HIGHLY doubt that you were getting any where near what you need per day. This is a reason that you are seeing the results that you are as well. Don't discount that and think that it is only the cleanse part. YES, that is a HUGE part of this, but this is a SYSTEM. This is also why I recommend the Isalean PRO for the challenge as opposed to the Isalean. YOU NEED THE PROTEIN. Read here to understand the reasons why. However, what we DO NOT do with this lifestyle that high protein diets do is restrict your nutritious complex carbohydrates (brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc). You also need these for sustained energy and brain power. This is the perfect lifestyle in my opinion. As you know. We are balanced. But remember, this is a SYSTEM. You should incorporate all.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 3 SUMMER 9 day challenge

Today is Cleanse day 1! Stick to the cleanse day schedule EXACTLY. The only thing you might alter is your start time. What can you expect today? A headache is most common. If this happens to you and you have not already done so, use an e+ shot. A little sip, half or the whole thing. Most new challengers are worried to use their e+ shots. I was - but now I use them for multiple reasons. If you are quite toxic, then you may feel flu-like. Normal. Drink a lot of water and keep going. It is true, the ones with the most symptoms see the most results on the scale. But remember - do not compare yourself to others. Your body will respond and everyone is different. You will not starve today - you will have waves of hunger but it is around the time for you to eat your next cleanse item. 

Isa is the number one nutritional cleansing company in the world. They have done extensive research on what is going on inside your body with the use of the ingredients that are designed for cleanse days. Inside you are headed for an alkaline environment and a non-inflammatory environment. Auto-immune diseases and cancer love acidity and inflammation. On the outside you will have weight loss, radiant skin, bright eyes, increased energy and lean muscle tissue gain.

You will surprise yourself with how well you do these next two days. The worst thing you could do is cheat and have even an almond. No cheating - it isn't worth it and the cleanse is totally worth it!

One last thing - this is an absolutely wonderful nutrition system. What makes it more amazing is a group like this one. Daily coaching. Questions answered. Remember there is FREE membership this week - you still have time to decide - but when you do join this group you are put into a much bigger group of challengers - over 400 - and the coaching and guidance from Tina K. Smith - for free. I know I wouldn't have succeeded without that element. 

Have an awesome cleanse day. I am cleansing too. I am working all day - which is great to be busy - but also means I don't get to your questions as fast as I would like. I do get FB messages or texts faster if your question doesn't get answered by experienced challengers in this group. Here we go!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


This week only. free membership for one year to purchase products for Tinas 18 day challenge at wholesale prices. 

DAY 2 Summer 9 day challenge

Hope you all had a great Day 1! You will need to make 4-5 shakes before you get it exactly how you like it - remember that. We have some challengers already reporting because they started early. This is what I am hearing - "I sleep so good" "I love my shakes" "This is easy" "I am surprised I can already tell a difference" - And then the losses - down 2, 4, 5, 5.5, and 8. Do not compare yourself to others - every BODY is different depending on what damage we have done in the past with diets, medications, etc.
OK - day 2. Read your WHY. Take note of how you feel. You will feel changes within 36 hours. That is what is so amazing about the awesome nutrition in the shakes and ionic supreme. Day 2 before your cleanse is very important. Already the excitement can be wearing off for you because you might be getting a slight headache or a little grumpiness because you cannot "numb" with what you might be used to numbing with. Don't forget you have your eshots - even a sip is amazing to help with these toxic symptoms. Embrace this change because you have opened the door to the new you. In a few days you will have walked completely through and will arrive on the other side! Keep moving forward! Stick with the program. No loosey goosey – and your body will respond.
Tomorrow and Thursday are cleanse days. GET PREPARED today. Fail to prepare - prepare to fail. Go to the store for any family needs for the next 2 days. What is the family having for dinner? I would suggest no crock pot meals - the last thing you want to smell when you are cleansing is a wonderful meal in the crockpot. I suggest leftovers, microwave something or take out. When the family is eating - go for a walk and tell them to have it all cleaned up when you get back smile emoticon STAY BUSY - I am the most productive on cleanse days.

Have a wonderful Day 2!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 1 SUMMER 9 day challenge

Make sure to read my post from last night about your weight/measurements and your WHY!
It is time! No looking back! Nothing to dread and so much to look forward to! Now you are doing this for you, your family, and anyone else you want to be around to enjoy in your life. Make a commitment to yourself!
Today will be fantastic! Day one you have 2 shakes, one knife/fork meal, and enough snacks off of the list to ensure that you never go over 3-4 hours without eating! If you are hungry - you need to eat. It may take a couple days for you to really read your body as to whether you are truly hungry or if you are bored and need to snack. I might suggest when you think you are hungry - have a glass of water first and see how you feel. If you are fairly toxic, symptoms will set in by tomorrow – or maybe today. A slight headache is most common. I love when I get messages that someone doesn't feel good or they have a headache - because I know they are going to feel amazing. By day 5, you seriously are becoming a new person! People that have been doing this for any amount of time will tell you the same!
STAY OFF THE SCALE. Follow the schedule and choose from the lists. You will weigh in on day 5. Cannot wait to hear from you on your day 5!
I also want to throw out there - to do this challenge - whoever brought you here bought your product and you paid them. Right now - for this week - until Sunday - there is FREE MEMBERSHIP. Get yourself through a couple days and see if this is something you want to continue. Maybe 3 times a year FREE MEMBERSHIP is offered so I am excited it is happening now for all of you. With your membership - you are able to buy your own product at wholesale prices. We can talk more later - I just wanted to give you a heads up so you knew. Have a fabulous day - message or post if you have any questions.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Night before 9 day challenge start!

Maybe you are all in bed or heading there - maybe you will read this in the morning before Monday's post - but I wanted to be sure to tell you to weigh and measure and write it down. You do not have to share these numbers with anyone. I would just like to know your loss. You can measure any areas you are wanting to see shrink. Neck, chest, each bicep, waist, hips, each quad, each calf.
I also want you to WRITE down WHY you want to change. What brought you to want to try this awesome nutrition program? Don’t just say “because I want to lose weight.” Write down the DETAILS. Are you tired of not having energy? Do you just not feel good in general? How do you feel? What do you want to feel like? Did your physician tell you that you are headed for diabetes or heart disease or high blood pressure? Do you feel in a fog? Do you have restless sleep? Do you have pain in your joints and bones? WHAT IS IT? Get it on paper. Why did you finally decide to join us? You will need to refer to this when you “forget” your reasons, YOUR WHY! YOU are in control of changing what you see on that paper. And you will change it! We all believe in you! And we are here to support you! Tomorrow is the first day of a whole new you!