Running the Salt Lake Half Marathon was one of the hardest things I have done. I had a sore area of my foot that had bothered my during my training. New shoes really helped, but I think by the time I got new shoes - my foot was pretty tired of being beat up.
During the race - I did great hydrating every miles or so. I had road runner (Dana) running with me. He was helping me to achieve my goal of under 2 hours. It was so hard. He stayed just a little bit in front of me so that I felt like I always had to push harder. So bad in my mind I wanted to stop and walk. My foot really hurt at mile 7 to the end. I could never let my brain escape - all it could think about was my foot. I am glad I did it. I really didn't mind the training. I certainly couldn't have done it with out Coach Alyssa with and my protein shakes and sports products. Really nutrition is the key. I am not going to say that I will never do another race. I think I would - if my foot would feel better.
This week has been really strange. I have felt a little blue. You have so much of your life focused on one thing and when that is over - you don't really know what to do. I want my body to recover - my quads are sore - so I don't want to just get back to the normal gym. So slowing down is really hard for me. Now I need to get a plan in mind - so I have something to focus on and work towards.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Ready or not!

Picked up our race packets. This is really happening. I am so nervous. I have all my stuff ready. Everyone says "have fun - trust in your training."
Amped Multi Sport,
Salt Lake Half,
Taster Party

Wow Kenlee shares an amazing story at the Taster Party. She tried a 9 day challenge because she could see in me that I wanted her to succeed so badly. She lost some weight but on day 5 she had a rash on her legs. She had forgotten she was allergic to whey. Oh my goodness. They are protein shakes - red flag that they have whey. Although because of how the whey is processed a even those allergic to whey are sometimes ok with my shakes. I guess not Kenlee.
We had some amazing clean food - as always - some good healthy conversation and some new friends made!
clean eating,
Love my life path,
taster party,
tina's 18 day challenge
Monday, March 28, 2016
My new favorite snack
Monday, March 21, 2016
Favorite protein shake
Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake.
8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)
Blend in ninja type blender
Favorite protein shake
Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake.
8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)
Blend in ninja type blender
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Lucky Find
CRANBERRY ORANGE PROTEIN SHAKE!!!! I am the happiest girl! These beauties are out of season and I have been going through addiction withdrawals. Lucky find! #bought5bags #nutrition #proteinshake #lovemylifepath
1 pkg isalean pro
1 stick orange replenish
1/2 cup frozen cranberries
1 cup cold water or unsweetened almond milk
Mix in blender. Heavenly!
Friday, March 4, 2016
Taster Party - 9 mile run - movie star
Amped Multi Sport,
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My Journey,
My Story,
Salt Lake Half,
taster party,
team inspire,
tina's 18 day challenge
Best messages ever!
team inspire,
tina's 18 day challenge
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Taster Party Fun
clean eating,
Love my life path,
My Story,
taster party,
team inspire,
tina's 18 day challenge
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Taster Party Thursday
clean eating,
taster party,
team inspire
Friday, February 26, 2016
The BAD and UGLY of training for the Salt Lake Half
Today was my long run. It was only 6 miles because this is a recovery week - but it was not pretty.
Watch my Periscope on YouTube
Watch my Periscope on YouTube
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group,
Monday, February 22, 2016
Newest member of Tina's 18 Day Challenge
My friend from College - my first roommate - has joined Tina's 18 day challenge. I am so excited for her. She has been asking me questions - which I love to answer. Yesterday was her birthday and she said "this is the best birthday present ever!" She doesn't even know the half of it! Can't wait to share in her journey.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Vegan Ding Dongs - gluten free and dairy free and sugar free
I adapted this recipe from
1 c. gluten free flour
1/3 c. cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
pinch of salt
1-1/2 T. corn starch
1/3 c. melted coconut oil
1/3 c. unsweetened applesauce (original recipe had regular applesauce)
2 tsp. vanilla
1/3 c. stevia (cup for cup kind) (original recipe used maple syrup)
1/2 c. pitted medjool dates
1/3 c. water
1/2 c. unsweetened almond milk
preheat oven to 350. spray 8 inch round cake pan with non stick cooking spray.
Whisk together dry ingredients in one bowl: flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cornstarch.
In another bowl whisk together all wet ingredients: coconut oil, applesauce, vanilla extract, almond milk and date paste. Date paste is made by blending the 1/2 c. dates with 1/3 c. water in a food processor.
Fold wet ingredients in with the dry until well combined.
Pour into prepared baking pan and bake for 20-25 minutes.
When fully cooked remove from oven and let cool in pan for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
1 can of full fat coconut cream, left in the fridge overnight
2 T. stevia (original recipe used maple syrup)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Scoop out cream and place in a bowl along with the stevia and vanilla. Use the leftovr water for smoothies. Whip that up, nice and creamy. I used a hand mixer.
1 isadelight per ding dong
1/4 tsp coconut oil per isadelight
(could use dark chocolate pieces, probably 1 cup and 1/4 c. coconut oil)
Use a circle cookie cutter to cut circles from cake. I scooped out the middle of the cake, filled it with cream, then topped with pieces of the cake I scooped out, put in freezer to get them firm before covering with chocolate. Either dip in chocolate or spread chocolate over cake.
Family analysis - not too bad. Somewhat difficult to make. The cake isn't light and fluffy. If you weren't going for gluten free - you could use whole wheat flour.
Fun way to spend a Sunday - experimenting and baking.
Friday, February 19, 2016
8 mile run. I did it!
Amped Multi Sport,
cross training,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group,
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Update on training - LSD tomorrow
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group,
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Learned something new today!
Amped Multi Sport,
Salt Lake Half,
Monday, February 15, 2016
Energy Bus Salt Lake Half Training
Read the book The Energy Bus! I applied it in my life yesterday and I feel good!
Amped Multi Sport,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
Friday, February 12, 2016
I did it! 6 Miles!
Did you see it?? I did it! 6 miles! Awesome!! #saltlake #half #training #amped #ampedmultisport #nutrition #lovemylifepath #YouHaveToTryThis
Click here to watch it on YouTube
Click here to watch it on YouTube
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Why I Chose Tina's 18 Day Challenge
I didn't save my periscope so that I could publish the video on YouTube - so I will have to type out why I chose Tina's 18 Day Challenge.
It took 4 months of my sister telling me about her weight loss and her energy and what she was doing with these really yummy shakes and her cleanse days. And then I would ask about what "real" food she was eating to make sure she was eating enough calories. It was when she told me how much she weighed that I finally said "I want to do that." I didn't do any research to see what was in the shakes - soy, what kind of whey, artificial sweeteners, sucralose, artificial colors or flavors. Or what was involved in the cleanse day. All I knew was - the results that my sister got and I wanted it to.
Now I know there are SO MANY PROGRAMS you could choose from - I know what is SOOOO GOOD about what I am doing and what is SOOOOO BAD about what some other programs. But really - is someone going to do the research to know why they should do one or the other - NO - they are going to try a program because they relate to results that someone else got.
At work, one person is trying a 24 day cleanse with advocare. I know what Advocare is - but he doesn't. He is with a group of guys and his brother and they are challenging together. He didn't know what is in the shake, the spark drink has tons of caffeine, he has to take lots of pills, etc.
Also at work there are couple girls doing MD diet. One has done that diet before and got results fast - restricts her calories, limits the foods she eats, is hungry, suffers a bit at first because she cut sugar out of her diet, she is tired. She doesn't realize that she is slowing down her metabolism. She is just worried about the number on the scale.
So basically - I GOT LUCKY! I got lucky that I chose a good program. Probably if I had been told about advocare or MD diet - I would have tried that too. But what I tried - it is the best - and the longer I do it - the more I learn - the luckier I feel that I chose this lifestyle!
clean eating,
My Story,
tina's 18 day challenge
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
My Story
These are my pictures: Before - 30 days - 1 year later
In April I will post my pictures at 2 years. What this is showing is a lifestyle. This is not a fad diet that you gain the weight back. It is easy to live. I feel great. I enjoy life. I love to share. Below is my story - stay tuned for my story at my "2 years of health anniversary".Let me tell you MY STORY. I had done years and years of 6 weeks rounds of a fitness boot camp. We were given a nutrition plan to follow where we would weigh and measure and balance protein/fat/carbs and count calories. It was exhausting - I was always starving - I craved brownies - I worked out like a crazy woman - BUT it worked! When the 6 weeks was done - I would have amazing results. Then we would have 3 weeks off and I would have my brownies and other food not permitted while doing boot camp. We would start back up with boot camp - and I would be back to where I started from day one of the last boot camp. I tried and tried to make it my lifestyle, but I couldn't find that balance. My sister was doing another nutritional program and would talk to me about it for 4 months before I finally decided to try it. I was "off" boot camp - because I didn't want this program to mess with the results that I get at boot camp - basically I didn't believe it would work. Remember when I finished boot camp I was at the fittest and leanest that I ever would get. That was my start for this program. On day 5 - I had lost 5.4 lbs, I had so much energy, I wasn't starving and tired, and I didn't have to work out so hard. At the end of 18 days - I went to weigh in for boot camp. I was down 9+ lbs, 3.5 inches and 3% body fat from when I ended the last boot camp. Now those numbers don't sound astronomical, but you have to remember that when I started the program that I was already lean. I just got leaner!! Boot camp trainer said, "What the hell have you been doing?" He wasn't used to me improving while being "off boot camp". I told him and he was impressed! The picture above shows me at the start of my journey with boot camp. The middle shows me after doing this new nutrition plan for one month. The last picture shows me after 1 year. This is a lifestyle. I can enjoy life and stay on track. I don't have to count, measure, weigh, balance, starve. I LOVE IT!!!
Week 2 Day 2 Salt Lake Half Training
Warm up on Elliptical
Kettle bell workout (first move with kettle bell - second move body weight only)
50 kettle bell swings - 50 traveling burpees
50 renegade rows - 50 jumping jacks
50 squat with upright row - 50 toe taps on box
50 step back lunges with overhead press - 50 leap frogs
50 single arm row - 100 walking lunges
50 situps with kettle bell - 50 walking pushups
core work
Amped Multi Sport,
cross training,
My Journey,
TNT Sports Performance Group,
Monday, February 8, 2016
10 weeks of training
Watch my periscope for today's training experience.
My workout today:
1 mile warm up (I was at 5-5.5 speed)
1/4 mile hard as you can (I was at 8.5)
1/4 mile recover
1/4 mile hard (9.0 for me)
1/4 mile recover
1/4 mile hard (9.0 for me)
Take heart rate (184)
1/4 mile recover and 1/2 mile cool down
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
tina's 18 day challenge,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Super Bowl Clean Eating Nachos
Taco Seasoned Chicken
6 oz chicken breast
1/2 tsp chile powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Line large baking sheet with foil and mist with cooking spray, place
chicken on foil and mist with cooking spray or brush with olive oil.
Sprinkle with chile powder, salt, and black pepper evenly on both
sides. Broil 5-8 minutes per side.
Tortilla Chips
10 6-inch no GMO corn tortillas, cut into 6 wedges
1-1/2 tsp. chile powder
Line 2 baking sheets with foil and mist with cooking spray. Arrange
tortillas in single layer and mist with cooking spray. Sprinkle with
chile powder. Bake 14-15 minutes, turning tortilla chips halfway
through. They will crisp up as they cool.
Pico de Gallo
2 tomatoes chopped
2 jalapeno peppers chopped
1/2 white onion chopped
1/2 c fresh cilantro leaves chopped
juice of 2 limes
1/4 tsp sea salt
Combine tomatoes, jalapenos, onion, cilantro, lime juice and sea salt.
Black Beans
1-2 tsp olive oil
1 large clove garlic
15 oz unsalted black beans
1-2 tsp hot sauce (Tessemae's all natural hot sauce)
1/4 tsp sea salt
In saucepan heat olive oil. Add garlic and cook/stir for 1 minute. Add
beans with liguid. Stir to bubbling. Stir in hot sauce and sea salt.
Remove from heat and mash until desired consistency.
10 chips topped with chicken
pico de gallo
1/4 c. black beans
1/4 c. mexican cheese blend
1/2 fresh avocado or guacamole
plain greek yogurt
green onions
Top chips with desired garnishes.
6 oz chicken breast
1/2 tsp chile powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Line large baking sheet with foil and mist with cooking spray, place
chicken on foil and mist with cooking spray or brush with olive oil.
Sprinkle with chile powder, salt, and black pepper evenly on both
sides. Broil 5-8 minutes per side.
Tortilla Chips
10 6-inch no GMO corn tortillas, cut into 6 wedges
1-1/2 tsp. chile powder
Line 2 baking sheets with foil and mist with cooking spray. Arrange
tortillas in single layer and mist with cooking spray. Sprinkle with
chile powder. Bake 14-15 minutes, turning tortilla chips halfway
through. They will crisp up as they cool.
Pico de Gallo
2 tomatoes chopped
2 jalapeno peppers chopped
1/2 white onion chopped
1/2 c fresh cilantro leaves chopped
juice of 2 limes
1/4 tsp sea salt
Combine tomatoes, jalapenos, onion, cilantro, lime juice and sea salt.
Black Beans
1-2 tsp olive oil
1 large clove garlic
15 oz unsalted black beans
1-2 tsp hot sauce (Tessemae's all natural hot sauce)
1/4 tsp sea salt
In saucepan heat olive oil. Add garlic and cook/stir for 1 minute. Add
beans with liguid. Stir to bubbling. Stir in hot sauce and sea salt.
Remove from heat and mash until desired consistency.
10 chips topped with chicken
pico de gallo
1/4 c. black beans
1/4 c. mexican cheese blend
1/2 fresh avocado or guacamole
plain greek yogurt
green onions
Top chips with desired garnishes.
Foodie Friday,
Fresh Eats Friday,
Saturday, February 6, 2016
What is my nutrition? Periscope
Amped Multi Sport,
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Salt Lake Half,
tina's 18 day challenge
Friday, February 5, 2016
LSD Run - Week 1
First Long Slow Distance run of my training - 5 miles. Click here to watch my periscope.
Just had a 2 day nutritional cleanse.
6 am shake with greens
7:30 am Power drink and eshot
8:00 am run on treadmill 5 miles. warm up for 1/2 mile 5.0 pace then 6.0 for the rest of the miles.
felt fine. I was distracted by the lady next to me. It is very hard for me to get distracted while I run. At mile 1 I had to go pee! I endured through the run - maybe peed my pants a little - but it just looks like sweat :) and there was no one behind me. While I was running I took 2 sips of my hydrate drink every mile. It was my reward :) I felt fine during my run. I wasn't winded or tired or wishing I could get off.
9:00 am or so stretch stretch stretch. I always forget how important that is. Had my super yummy protein shake and recovery drink.
Just had a 2 day nutritional cleanse.
6 am shake with greens
7:30 am Power drink and eshot
8:00 am run on treadmill 5 miles. warm up for 1/2 mile 5.0 pace then 6.0 for the rest of the miles.
felt fine. I was distracted by the lady next to me. It is very hard for me to get distracted while I run. At mile 1 I had to go pee! I endured through the run - maybe peed my pants a little - but it just looks like sweat :) and there was no one behind me. While I was running I took 2 sips of my hydrate drink every mile. It was my reward :) I felt fine during my run. I wasn't winded or tired or wishing I could get off.
9:00 am or so stretch stretch stretch. I always forget how important that is. Had my super yummy protein shake and recovery drink.
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
Salt Lake Half,
tina's 18 day challenge,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Thursday, February 4, 2016
3 Points to Note
Amped Multi Sport,
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My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
tina's 18 day challenge,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
This is for everyone!
Amped Multi Sport,
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My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
tina's 18 day challenge,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Monday, February 1, 2016
Getting Lots of Support for my half - protein shake for lunch
If you follow me on facebook (Carey Biggs Underwood) or Instagram (@candid93) you will see me post pictures of my "supporters". So many people are excited for me to run this half - either because they aren't having to run or because they are runners and love it! Love the support - It will pull me through!
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Actually 11 weeks
I was anxious to get my training going tomorrow - so I contacted Coach Alyssa. She did the actual counting on the calendar - the race is 11 weeks away. So this week will be a little practice - then we will get to the knotty gritty next week.
Periscope / You Tube Video Journal
Periscope / You Tube Video Journal
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Saturday, January 30, 2016
10 Weeks from today - I am registered!
Amped Multi Sport,
Love my life path,
My Journey,
Salt Lake Half,
TNT Sports Performance Group
Friday, January 29, 2016
Why cleansing works
I have discussed Tina's 18 Day Challenge many times. During the challenge there are shake days and cleanse days. It is the cleanse days that often scare people - mostly because they haven't done it before. You do not starve yourself and you are not on the toilet all day. You have something to eat every hour to cleanse your cells and maintain your blood sugar. You don't get tired and need to nap all day. It is actually the most amazing feeling that you will have. I was "studying" yesterday and found this article. It is short and sums up exactly why cleansing works!
Why Cleansing Works
Even with weight loss clinics readily available, calorie counts on menus, and public policy initiatives aimed at supporting a healthier population, people are struggling to lose weight and keep it off. Of the 45 million Americans dieting each year, 80 to 90 percent of them will regain all their weight (1). The repeated cycle of weight loss and regain shows that the simple remedy of eating healthier and exercising regularly isn't working.
A new solution is needed to help people achieve a healthy weight and maintain it. Mounting scientific evidence for intermittent fasting as an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance may be the solution for preventing repeated cycles of dieting. Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that involves going without food for several hours or up to a couple days. And it can become a lifelong habit.
Cleansing with Isagenix include a specific form of intermittent fasting because cleansers drink the detox-supporting beverage, Cleanse for Life. Not only are cleansers benefiting from intermittent fasting, but they are also supporting their body nutritionally to rid itself of impurities. Cleanse for Life provides nutritional support in the form of antioxidant vitamins and botanicals, which are essential for effective detoxification. Additionally, nutritional support is needed to counteract the oxidative damage caused by toxins.
Studies on intermittent fasting have shown that it's as effective for weight loss as cutting calories (2). In one study, overweight women who fasted intermittently for six months lost more weight than women who restricted their calories each day (3).
Insulin sensitivity is "reset" by fasting. Healthy men who fasted for 20 hours every other day for 15 days had increased rates of glucose uptake, signifying improved insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control (4). With insulin sensitivity becoming an increasingly common issue among aging adults (5), intermittent fasting may be especially effective for older adults with weight loss goals.
The exact mechanism has not been identified. However, some theories suggest alterations in calorie intake could be due to shrinking of the stomach, causing people to become full faster. Another theory suggests that relying on fat for fuel during fasting can up-regulate or down-regulate certain enzymes involved in metabolism affecting appetite regulation. More research is needed, but there's no denying the benefits of calorie control for weight loss.
There are various definitions of intermittent fasting and it's up to the individual to choose what works best for her or him. And while it may seem daunting at first, studies show that satisfaction during fasting increases with time (7).
A study with 16 obese subjects who incorporated alternate day fasting had an average weight loss of 12 pounds with 99 percent coming from fat (8). That's a very different outcome than on most diets. On average, typical dieters shed about 75 percent of weight as fat and 25 percent as muscle, leading to a decreased metabolism and greater risk of weight regain.
Researchers have evaluated weight patterns for the average dieter. The key is to make dietary changes that can be maintained for the long-term and support muscle mass. Because there are many ways to do intermittent fasting, it can be integrated into any lifestyle to support weight maintenance.
Cleanse Days, or intermittent fasting days, however, are just another tool in the weight-management toolbox. Combined with a healthy diet, including Shake Days, regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress-relieving practices like meditation, Cleanse Days can lead to long-term weight maintenance.
A new solution is needed to help people achieve a healthy weight and maintain it. Mounting scientific evidence for intermittent fasting as an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance may be the solution for preventing repeated cycles of dieting. Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that involves going without food for several hours or up to a couple days. And it can become a lifelong habit.
Cleansing with Isagenix include a specific form of intermittent fasting because cleansers drink the detox-supporting beverage, Cleanse for Life. Not only are cleansers benefiting from intermittent fasting, but they are also supporting their body nutritionally to rid itself of impurities. Cleanse for Life provides nutritional support in the form of antioxidant vitamins and botanicals, which are essential for effective detoxification. Additionally, nutritional support is needed to counteract the oxidative damage caused by toxins.
Studies on intermittent fasting have shown that it's as effective for weight loss as cutting calories (2). In one study, overweight women who fasted intermittently for six months lost more weight than women who restricted their calories each day (3).
Improves Insulin Sensitivity
How intermittent fasting works to support weight loss and maintenance is multifaceted. One of the ways intermittent fasting helps is through improving how well insulin ushers glucose from the blood (after eating food) into cells where it is used for energy. It's an important part of healthy weight management. Similar to how drinking coffee habitually can dull the response to caffeine, an excess of carbohydrate intake can decrease sensitivity to insulin. When people are less sensitive to insulin, they cannot efficiently use the food they eat leading to a cascade of health issues including fatigue and increased hunger--two culprits in weight gain.Insulin sensitivity is "reset" by fasting. Healthy men who fasted for 20 hours every other day for 15 days had increased rates of glucose uptake, signifying improved insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control (4). With insulin sensitivity becoming an increasingly common issue among aging adults (5), intermittent fasting may be especially effective for older adults with weight loss goals.
Resets Calorie Intake
Although it seems counter-intuitive, evidence suggests that when intermittent fasting becomes a lifestyle, less food is commonly consumed during normal calorie days. A study with overweight adults found that they consumed only 20 percent of their normal calorie intake on alternate days (6).The exact mechanism has not been identified. However, some theories suggest alterations in calorie intake could be due to shrinking of the stomach, causing people to become full faster. Another theory suggests that relying on fat for fuel during fasting can up-regulate or down-regulate certain enzymes involved in metabolism affecting appetite regulation. More research is needed, but there's no denying the benefits of calorie control for weight loss.
Encourages Adherence
One of the biggest issues with fad diets is that people cannot adhere to them long-term. They are usually restrictive, can leave people feeling sluggish and tired, and often cause muscle loss. The key to weight loss and maintenance is a diet plan that fits into your lifestyle.There are various definitions of intermittent fasting and it's up to the individual to choose what works best for her or him. And while it may seem daunting at first, studies show that satisfaction during fasting increases with time (7).
Maintain Muscle Mass
Muscle is a very greedy tissue. It requires a lot of calories just to exist and puts the body to work, resulting in a higher metabolism. For that reason, muscle is an important player in weight loss. Because fasting requires a period of time without significant food intake (including protein), some fear that it would cause muscle loss. While long periods of fasting will cause the body to turn to muscle for energy, short periods (24 to 48 hours) are not going to result in significant muscle loss.A study with 16 obese subjects who incorporated alternate day fasting had an average weight loss of 12 pounds with 99 percent coming from fat (8). That's a very different outcome than on most diets. On average, typical dieters shed about 75 percent of weight as fat and 25 percent as muscle, leading to a decreased metabolism and greater risk of weight regain.
Keep Weight Off for Good
Any diet can help you lose weight, but many times it's at the expense of muscle mass. And once normal eating patterns resume, weight comes back on quickly.Researchers have evaluated weight patterns for the average dieter. The key is to make dietary changes that can be maintained for the long-term and support muscle mass. Because there are many ways to do intermittent fasting, it can be integrated into any lifestyle to support weight maintenance.
Cleanse Days, or intermittent fasting days, however, are just another tool in the weight-management toolbox. Combined with a healthy diet, including Shake Days, regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress-relieving practices like meditation, Cleanse Days can lead to long-term weight maintenance.
team inspire,
tina's 18 day challenge
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Getting my greens!
This is my favorite shake - Orange Ctanberry. No more fresh cranberries so I will certainly enjoy my last shake until next year!
Every day I add a scoop of isagreens to my shake. Why - you might ask? Even if you eat a diet rich in greens, it's important to remember that due to depleted souls and other environmental factors, you may not be getting as Koch good nutrition as you think. By supplementing your diet with these greens, you can rest assured that you are helping to get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber to function at your very best.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Attention Athletes
Here is a great video that will get you pumped up on using the new Amped products to fuel YOU - THE ATHLETE!
TNT Sports Performance Group
Post baby - 12 days of shakes only
before/after pics,
tina's 18 day challenge
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Coaches in Tina's 18 Day Challenge
We have so many awesome coaches in Tina's 18 day Challenge Group! Sunday is "Invite a Friend" to the group. You can be a fly on the wall and see what is going on. Read the great posts, see the recipes, get the workouts. Every Sunday - you could be there!
Friday, January 22, 2016
Shake Comparison
I have been asked 3 times this last week about different kinds of protein shakes. There is just no comparison to the amazing protein shake that I have everyday. I found this post on FB today - pretty much sums it up!
Shake Comparison~
This is what sets Isagenix apart from the rest.
1. Shakeology: Processed Whey Protein (Isolate).
2. Herbalife: Soy Protein (Isolate) it is a row crop, not organic! Protein is acid washed with heat, (Denatured) to help make it less toxic, and only 9 grams of protein.(Also the cheapest of all the shakes to make).
3. Advocare: 1st ingredient is Maltodextrin, (it is a man made sugar that is chemically derived from starch and is used in a number of different foods and sweeteners. Side effects can include anything from, chest pain, heart palpitations, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, or excess fat if the calories from the sugar is not burned off).Soy Protein and Fructose are the next 2 ingredients! Also has GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms).
4. Body By Vi: Soy Protein, a row crop product and loaded with toxins, GMO"s and sweetened with Sucralose, (The majority of ingested sucralose is not broken down by the body and shown to reduce the amount of GOOD bacteria in the intestines by as much as 50%.Maltodextrin derived from GMO starch, whey protein isolatesOnly 10 Grams of poor Protein, not a meal replacement and in addition it has to be mixed with milk.
5. Slim Fast – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, carrageenan.
6. Ensure – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrin, refined sugar, artificial colors, carrageenan.
7. It Works – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrine, whey protein isolates, antibiotics, rBGH.
8. Atkins – GMO, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors, carrageenan.
9. Special K – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrin, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors, carrageenan.
10. Isogen – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors.
11. Pure Protein – GMO, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, antibiotics, rBGH, artificialcoloring, carrageenan.
12. Muscle Milk – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, heavy metals (arsenic and lead), antibiotics, rBGH, artificial coloring, carrageenan.
13. Youngevity Slender FX -only 105 calories so not a meal replacement, use soy and whey proteins, no source given for whey, so probably low grade from U.S., low carbs, Sweetened with Steviol (stevia).
14. The Shaklee 180 Energizing Smoothies- Their protein blend contains soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate. Rules them out immediately. It's not a true meal replacement by itself. They suggest mixing it with milk to bring calories up for replacing meals. Cost is $2.72 per serving yielding 16g of protein.
15. The Physique Shake- Their protein blend contains Milk and Whey protein isolate, both of which are denatured. Rules them out yet again. It's a protein supplement, not meal replacement. Cost is $2.22 per serving yielding 14g of protein.
16. Syntrax Nectar Protein: only 100 calories so it can't be a meal replacementcontains soy protein along with whey proteincontains Sucralose is an artificial sweetenercontains Hydrolyzed wheat which is really just another way of saying MSG.
17. Arbonne shakes are to low in calories (160) and very low in nutrition, most only having 15% of the RDA (a few as high as 20%). Very high in sodium at 480 mg.
18. MonaVie - contains soy, very expensive, only 9gr of protein, not enough calories for a "meal replacement" so they suggest you add milk to it, making it even more expensive, Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Hydrolysate NOT Hormone Free Whey, (whey concentrate is BEST) Whey source not given and since it contains hormones at best it is probably a grade 2 or 3 whey protein. Contains Artificial Sweeteners and/or Flavors.
Think about what you put in your body! If it is not all natural, 100% chemical free and contains no artificial anything. You should not be putting it into your body!
Now let's compare this to Isagenix shake:
💥Undenatured Grade 7 Whey Protein
💥No unnatural products.
💥Complete nutrition for a meal replacement.
💥24 - 36g of protein
💥240 calories
💥Has all 90 Building Blocks your Body needs
💥7 active enzymes for easy digestion
💥242 Nutrients and ALL ORGANIC!
💥NO GMO MALTODEXTRIN (tapioca organic)
💥Full macro nutrient meal
Choose wisely
That's why people love it 💕
Shake Comparison~
This is what sets Isagenix apart from the rest.
1. Shakeology: Processed Whey Protein (Isolate).
2. Herbalife: Soy Protein (Isolate) it is a row crop, not organic! Protein is acid washed with heat, (Denatured) to help make it less toxic, and only 9 grams of protein.(Also the cheapest of all the shakes to make).
3. Advocare: 1st ingredient is Maltodextrin, (it is a man made sugar that is chemically derived from starch and is used in a number of different foods and sweeteners. Side effects can include anything from, chest pain, heart palpitations, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, or excess fat if the calories from the sugar is not burned off).Soy Protein and Fructose are the next 2 ingredients! Also has GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms).
4. Body By Vi: Soy Protein, a row crop product and loaded with toxins, GMO"s and sweetened with Sucralose, (The majority of ingested sucralose is not broken down by the body and shown to reduce the amount of GOOD bacteria in the intestines by as much as 50%.Maltodextrin derived from GMO starch, whey protein isolatesOnly 10 Grams of poor Protein, not a meal replacement and in addition it has to be mixed with milk.
5. Slim Fast – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, carrageenan.
6. Ensure – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrin, refined sugar, artificial colors, carrageenan.
7. It Works – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrine, whey protein isolates, antibiotics, rBGH.
8. Atkins – GMO, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors, carrageenan.
9. Special K – GMO, soy protein, maltodextrin, refined sugar, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors, carrageenan.
10. Isogen – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, antibiotics, rBGH, artificial colors.
11. Pure Protein – GMO, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, antibiotics, rBGH, artificialcoloring, carrageenan.
12. Muscle Milk – GMO, maltodextrin, refined sugar, whey protein isolate, heavy metals (arsenic and lead), antibiotics, rBGH, artificial coloring, carrageenan.
13. Youngevity Slender FX -only 105 calories so not a meal replacement, use soy and whey proteins, no source given for whey, so probably low grade from U.S., low carbs, Sweetened with Steviol (stevia).
14. The Shaklee 180 Energizing Smoothies- Their protein blend contains soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate. Rules them out immediately. It's not a true meal replacement by itself. They suggest mixing it with milk to bring calories up for replacing meals. Cost is $2.72 per serving yielding 16g of protein.
15. The Physique Shake- Their protein blend contains Milk and Whey protein isolate, both of which are denatured. Rules them out yet again. It's a protein supplement, not meal replacement. Cost is $2.22 per serving yielding 14g of protein.
16. Syntrax Nectar Protein: only 100 calories so it can't be a meal replacementcontains soy protein along with whey proteincontains Sucralose is an artificial sweetenercontains Hydrolyzed wheat which is really just another way of saying MSG.
17. Arbonne shakes are to low in calories (160) and very low in nutrition, most only having 15% of the RDA (a few as high as 20%). Very high in sodium at 480 mg.
18. MonaVie - contains soy, very expensive, only 9gr of protein, not enough calories for a "meal replacement" so they suggest you add milk to it, making it even more expensive, Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Hydrolysate NOT Hormone Free Whey, (whey concentrate is BEST) Whey source not given and since it contains hormones at best it is probably a grade 2 or 3 whey protein. Contains Artificial Sweeteners and/or Flavors.
Think about what you put in your body! If it is not all natural, 100% chemical free and contains no artificial anything. You should not be putting it into your body!
Now let's compare this to Isagenix shake:
💥Undenatured Grade 7 Whey Protein
💥No unnatural products.
💥Complete nutrition for a meal replacement.
💥24 - 36g of protein
💥240 calories
💥Has all 90 Building Blocks your Body needs
💥7 active enzymes for easy digestion
💥242 Nutrients and ALL ORGANIC!
💥NO GMO MALTODEXTRIN (tapioca organic)
💥Full macro nutrient meal
Choose wisely
That's why people love it 💕
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
My Story
These are my pictures of Before - 30 days - 1 year later
In April - I will post my 2 years later picture. See this isn't a fad diet - it is a lifestyle that is EASY to maintain and still live life, not diet, fell amazing, look amazing - and I love to share so that others can have what I have. Below is my story after 1 year. Stay tuned for my story after 2 years :)Let me tell you MY STORY. I had done years and years of 6 weeks rounds of a fitness boot camp. We were given a nutrition plan to follow where we would weigh and measure and balance protein/fat/carbs and count calories. It was exhausting - I was always starving - I craved brownies - I worked out like a crazy woman - BUT it worked! When the 6 weeks was done - I would have amazing results. Then we would have 3 weeks off and I would have my brownies and other food not permitted while doing boot camp. We would start back up with boot camp - and I would be back to where I started from day one of the last boot camp. I tried and tried to make it my lifestyle, but I couldn't find that balance. My sister was doing another nutritional program and would talk to me about it for 4 months before I finally decided to try it. I was "off" boot camp - because I didn't want this program to mess with the results that I get at boot camp - basically I didn't believe it would work. Remember when I finished boot camp I was at the fittest and leanest that I ever would get. That was my start for this program. On day 5 - I had lost 5.4 lbs, I had so much energy, I wasn't starving and tired, and I didn't have to work out so hard. At the end of 18 days - I went to weigh in for boot camp. I was down 9+ lbs, 3.5 inches and 3% body fat from when I ended the last boot camp. Now those numbers don't sound astronomical, but you have to remember that when I started the program that I was already lean. I just got leaner!! Boot camp trainer said, "What the hell have you been doing?" He wasn't used to me improving while being "off boot camp". I told him and he was impressed! The picture above shows me at the start of my journey with boot camp. The middle shows me after doing this new nutrition plan for one month. The last picture shows me after 1 year. This is a lifestyle. I can enjoy life and stay on track. I don't have to count, measure, weigh, balance, starve. I LOVE IT!!!
Everything is natural - no artificial colors or flavors or sweeteners. There is a sports line - natural stuff to fuel your workout, your race, whatever you do! Please ask me questions. Email me Message me on facebook Carey Biggs Underwood
I would love to share!!!!
Friday, January 8, 2016
A post from Tony Escobar
Every once in a while you will experience a tough, challenging day where everything seems to have gone wrong for you. Most times a simple thought, a song that randomly plays on the radio as you are driving your car, a simple idea that spontaneously pops into your head, a few simple words from a family member or a friend or even a rousing or stimulating quote can get you through that challenging, convoluted day. A few inspiring words said at the right time and in the right place can touch you, inform you, re-energize and even re-motivate you and your business but most of all these words can change and even transform your life instantly.
Inspiring words cannot only move you into action, they can also help de-program, re-program, redefine and redirect you back onto the right path. A few rousing words can re-ignite and refocus your dream of where you really want to be and who you really want to become. A few choice words can stimulate, encourage and arouse you to the point that you can take on the world without fear, trepidation, rejection, apprehension, defeat or regret.
Here is my message for you today. Read it two or three times for it’s a good one!
As your business grows and develops you will make many mistakes and experience many disappointments and you will probably feel that no one else has ever experienced your particular problems or difficulties. It will always be easy to say, "This is too hard. It’s going to take too much time, I just can’t do it anymore." And so you make the decision to surrender and quit. It’s always easier to quit than to persevere and keep trying. Remember this, quitting labels and brands you a loser. Do you really want this to be what you stand for?
Mistakes, rejection, disappointment and discouragement are predictable, foreseeable and inevitable; quitting is optional.
Never give up on anyone that you are working with, especially those members on your team. And that includes never giving up on yourself as a leader.
Never take your foot off the pedal just because your accomplishments have not met your expectations or been recognized or edified.
Quitting is much more painful than not finishing but the excruciating pain that comes from the regret of not starting or re-starting is unbearable. A distributor who fails to start is worse than a quitter.
You will have many opportunities and choices this year new year; don’t let abandonment or quitting be one of them.
It’s important to understand, if you don’t love what you are doing and your not doing what you love, you will eventually quit and what is quitting? Quitting is failing and what do you call people that fail – Failures! You never fail until you fail to start or you quit.
It’s interesting to me to hear people say, “If you are going to fail, fail with the dignity, that you gave it your best shot.” That’s total bunk. There is no dignity in failure, never has been, no matter how hard you tried. You either fail or you succeed, you either do it or you don’t; there is no middle ground. You start or you don’t, you stick it out or you quit, you win or you lose. If you quit, you’ve failed and that’s it. Failing is not failure until you quit. Quitting is a tragedy; therefore failure must too be a tragedy. You must not quit, not now, not ever. The pain of failure and its scar is ugly and permanent.
There will be times when discouragement will overwhelm you and you will think about quitting. When you think about quitting, simply sit down with a pad and a pen and ponder this question that you will ask yourself,
“What was it that motivated me to get started in my business in the first place?”
Give me five answers to this question and you will surprise yourself. There’s a job to be done and you are not a quitter, never have been, so reignite your attitude, re-engage, work harder, pursue your dream and have fun with your business. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it is the brightest light you will ever see.
One of the greatest tragedies is when people quit never realizing how close they were to succeeding.
Embrace your business and immerse yourself in it. Become a part of it, enjoy its challenges, learn from them and become the person you were meant to be and do what you were meant to do.
Your capacity for personal inspiration, courage, creativity and success is deeply reliant and rooted in the faith that you have in yourself and your abilities.
Courage is not an ominous word. It’s a virtue where you embrace and follow your faith. Courage is the most encouraging and optimistic word in a winner’s vocabulary. Courage affords you an invitation to grow, progress and to excel. With courage you can absolutely redirect your business and your life in a positive direction! You can do and be anything you want to be, if you have the desire and the determination to go forward and the mindset to never quit.
Don’t allow the words, can’t, impossible or failure to become a part of your vocabulary. It’s a new year; it’s your year. You have a powerful spark inside you, so go forward now and ignite that blazing inferno of enthusiasm and passion for you business.
What do success and failure have in common? You choose either one. What does a victim mentality and victory have in common? You also choose either one. Don’t choose to be a victim of failure, choose to be the recipient of success and celebrate your victory.
Love you all,
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