Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Story

These are my pictures: Before - 30 days - 1 year later
In April I will post my pictures at 2 years. What this is showing is a lifestyle. This is not a fad diet that you gain the weight back. It is easy to live. I feel great. I enjoy life. I love to share. Below is my story - stay tuned for my story at my "2 years of health anniversary".

Let me tell you MY STORY. I had done years and years of 6 weeks rounds of a fitness boot camp. We were given a nutrition plan to follow where we would weigh and measure and balance protein/fat/carbs and count calories. It was exhausting - I was always starving - I craved brownies - I worked out like a crazy woman - BUT it worked! When the 6 weeks was done - I would have amazing results. Then we would have 3 weeks off and I would have my brownies and other food not permitted while doing boot camp. We would start back up with boot camp - and I would be back to where I started from day one of the last boot camp. I tried and tried to make it my lifestyle, but I couldn't find that balance. My sister was doing another nutritional program and would talk to me about it for 4 months before I finally decided to try it. I was "off" boot camp - because I didn't want this program to mess with the results that I get at boot camp - basically I didn't believe it would work. Remember when I finished boot camp I was at the fittest and leanest that I ever would get. That was my start for this program. On day 5 - I had lost 5.4 lbs, I had so much energy, I wasn't starving and tired, and I didn't have to work out so hard. At the end of 18 days - I went to weigh in for boot camp. I was down 9+ lbs, 3.5 inches and 3% body fat from when I ended the last boot camp. Now those numbers don't sound astronomical, but you have to remember that when I started the program that I was already lean. I just got leaner!! Boot camp trainer said, "What the hell have you been doing?" He wasn't used to me improving while being "off boot camp". I told him and he was impressed! The picture above shows me at the start of my journey with boot camp. The middle shows me after doing this new nutrition plan for one month. The last picture shows me after 1 year. This is a lifestyle. I can enjoy life and stay on track. I don't have to count, measure, weigh, balance, starve. I LOVE IT!!!

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