Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why I Chose Tina's 18 Day Challenge

I didn't save my periscope so that I could publish the video on YouTube - so I will have to type out why I chose Tina's 18 Day Challenge.

It took 4 months of my sister telling me about her weight loss and her energy and what she was doing with these really yummy shakes and her cleanse days. And then I would ask about what "real" food she was eating to make sure she was eating enough calories. It was when she told me how much she weighed that I finally said "I want to do that." I didn't do any research to see what was in the shakes - soy, what kind of whey, artificial sweeteners, sucralose, artificial colors or flavors. Or what was involved in the cleanse day. All I knew was - the results that my sister got and I wanted it to.

Now I know there are SO MANY PROGRAMS you could choose from - I know what is SOOOO GOOD about what I am doing and what is SOOOOO BAD about what some other programs. But really - is someone going to do the research to know why they should do one or the other - NO - they are going to try a program because they relate to results that someone else got. 

At work, one person is trying a 24 day cleanse with advocare. I know what Advocare is - but he doesn't. He is with a group of guys and his brother and they are challenging together. He didn't know what is in the shake, the spark drink has tons of caffeine, he has to take lots of pills, etc. 

Also at work there are couple girls doing MD diet. One has done that diet before and got results fast - restricts her calories, limits the foods she eats, is hungry, suffers a bit at first because she cut sugar out of her diet, she is tired. She doesn't realize that she is slowing down her metabolism. She is just worried about the number on the scale.

So basically - I GOT LUCKY! I got lucky that I chose a good program. Probably if I had been told about advocare or MD diet - I would have tried that too. But what I tried - it is the best - and the longer I do it - the more I learn - the luckier I feel that I chose this lifestyle!

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