Monday, March 28, 2016

My new favorite snack

Brown rice cake, Daisy cottage cheese, avocado, red pepper flakes.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Taster Party clean eating cookies periscope

Favorite protein shake

Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake. 

8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk 
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)

Blend in ninja type blender

Favorite protein shake

Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake. 

8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk 
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)

Blend in ninja type blender

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lucky Find

CRANBERRY ORANGE PROTEIN SHAKE!!!! I am the happiest girl! These beauties are out of season and I have been going through addiction withdrawals.  Lucky find! #bought5bags #nutrition #proteinshake #lovemylifepath

1 pkg isalean pro
1 stick orange replenish
1/2 cup frozen cranberries
1 cup cold water or unsweetened almond milk

Mix in blender. Heavenly!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Taster Party Fun

We had a great group of people come and enjoy the taster party! Thank you to everyone for coming!