Friday, July 3, 2015

Caper and Dill Weed Salmon

1 lb. verlasso Salmon (I am sure you can use any kind)
1 T. Minced garlic
1 T. Dried dill weed
1 T. Caper juice
1 lemon slices

This can be baked on foil - but we put salmon in foil tent and cooked on the bbq. Mix garlic, caper juice, and dill weed. Spread over salmon. Top with a few capers, lemon slices and red pepper slices to make it look pretty. Cook until done. Here is another tip with lemons or limes that I got from my 12 year old cooking school friend - put lemon or lime in microwave for 8-10 seconds before slicing or squeezing - makes it more juicy. Amazing how many times I have used this tip!!

I served with a quinoa brown rice medley that was seasoned with basil and used coconut oil when boiling (instead of olive oil). And steamed asparagus! I just finished eating and all of it was soooo yummy! 

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