Monday, April 18, 2016

Salt Lake Half - After feelings

Running the Salt Lake Half Marathon was one of the hardest things I have done. I had a sore area of my foot that had bothered my during my training. New shoes really helped, but I think by the time I got new shoes - my foot was pretty tired of being beat up.

During the race - I did great hydrating every miles or so. I had road runner (Dana) running with me. He was helping me to achieve my goal of under 2 hours. It was so hard. He stayed just a little bit in front of me so that I felt like I always had to push harder. So bad in my mind I wanted to stop and walk. My foot really hurt at mile 7 to the end. I could never let my brain escape - all it could think about was my foot. I am glad I did it. I really didn't mind the training. I certainly couldn't have done it with out Coach Alyssa with and my protein shakes and sports products. Really nutrition is the key. I am not going to say that I will never do another race. I think I would - if my foot would feel better.

This week has been really strange. I have felt a little blue. You have so much of your life focused on one thing and when that is over - you don't really know what to do. I want my body to recover - my quads are sore - so I don't want to just get back to the normal gym. So slowing down is really hard for me. Now I need to get a plan in mind - so I have something to focus on and work towards.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Ready or not!

Picked up our race packets. This is really happening. I am so nervous. I have all my stuff ready. Everyone says "have fun - trust in your training."

Taster Party

Wow Kenlee shares an amazing story at the Taster Party. She tried a 9 day challenge because she could see in me that I wanted her to succeed so badly. She lost some weight but on day 5 she had a rash on her legs. She had forgotten she was allergic to whey. Oh my goodness. They are protein shakes - red flag that they have whey. Although because of how the whey is processed a even those allergic to whey are sometimes ok with my shakes. I guess not Kenlee.

We had some amazing clean food - as always - some good healthy conversation and some new friends made! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

My new favorite snack

Brown rice cake, Daisy cottage cheese, avocado, red pepper flakes.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Taster Party clean eating cookies periscope

Favorite protein shake

Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake. 

8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk 
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)

Blend in ninja type blender

Favorite protein shake

Fuel - repair - recovery - energizing - hydrating - 36 G protein - nutrients of 9 salads - DELICIOUS post workout shake. 

8 oz cold water or unsweetened almond milk 
Isalean pro natural vanilla
1/2 c frozen cranberries
1 scoop Isa greens
1 scoop amped recovery
2 scoops orange replenish (hydrate)

Blend in ninja type blender