Monday, April 18, 2016

Salt Lake Half - After feelings

Running the Salt Lake Half Marathon was one of the hardest things I have done. I had a sore area of my foot that had bothered my during my training. New shoes really helped, but I think by the time I got new shoes - my foot was pretty tired of being beat up.

During the race - I did great hydrating every miles or so. I had road runner (Dana) running with me. He was helping me to achieve my goal of under 2 hours. It was so hard. He stayed just a little bit in front of me so that I felt like I always had to push harder. So bad in my mind I wanted to stop and walk. My foot really hurt at mile 7 to the end. I could never let my brain escape - all it could think about was my foot. I am glad I did it. I really didn't mind the training. I certainly couldn't have done it with out Coach Alyssa with and my protein shakes and sports products. Really nutrition is the key. I am not going to say that I will never do another race. I think I would - if my foot would feel better.

This week has been really strange. I have felt a little blue. You have so much of your life focused on one thing and when that is over - you don't really know what to do. I want my body to recover - my quads are sore - so I don't want to just get back to the normal gym. So slowing down is really hard for me. Now I need to get a plan in mind - so I have something to focus on and work towards.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Ready or not!

Picked up our race packets. This is really happening. I am so nervous. I have all my stuff ready. Everyone says "have fun - trust in your training."

Taster Party

Wow Kenlee shares an amazing story at the Taster Party. She tried a 9 day challenge because she could see in me that I wanted her to succeed so badly. She lost some weight but on day 5 she had a rash on her legs. She had forgotten she was allergic to whey. Oh my goodness. They are protein shakes - red flag that they have whey. Although because of how the whey is processed a even those allergic to whey are sometimes ok with my shakes. I guess not Kenlee.

We had some amazing clean food - as always - some good healthy conversation and some new friends made!